Rand McNally TND 520 LM Truck GPS Navigator with Lifetime Maps
Weather - Show current conditions and forecast, or choose from 10 different map overlays, including precipitation and
wind speed
Fuel prices - View fuel prices on the map, or search by price, fuel type, or brand
Local search - Find local businesses, restaurants, and more by name or keyword as well as Route comparison, choose between
a primary and alternate route
Fuel log - Track fuel purchases by date and by state; calculate current and average fuel economy
Team driving support - Keep timers and mileage separately for two team members
GeneralStore1 Delivers
GPS and Road Atlases
2019 Rand McNally Large Scale Road Atlas This spiral bound format features
maps that are 35% larger than those found in Rand McNally's standard Midsize Atlas. This updated North American atlas contains
maps of every U.S. state and Canadian province, an overview map of Mexico, plus detailed maps of over 50 North American cities,
all conveniently packaged for travel. Contains mileage chart showing distances between 77 cities and national parks with driving
times map. Spiral binding allows the book to lay open easily. Other Features Rand McNally presents five of our favorite national
parks big and small, east and west that showcase this country's astonishing beauty, highlight essential visitor information,
and offer insightful travel tips. Road construction and conditions phone numbers and websites Tourism websites and phone numbers
for every U.S. state and Canadian province on map pages
More to explore :Rand Mcnally Car GPS Units,Rand McNally & Co.. Antique
Atlas Maps,Antique North America Atlas Maps,Rand McNally & Co.. Antique World Atlas,rand mcnally elf book,Vehicle Charger
for Rand Mcnally,Rand McNally & Co. Antique Atlas,Rand McNally Globes,rand mcnally cosmopolitan world atlas,Rand McNally
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